
Tanzania lifts its international travel ban, and most restrictions have been lifted domestically.

Can I travel to Tanzania?

Tanzania has lifted its international travel restrictions and is now open for commercial flights and have already welcomed flights like KLM, QATAR, EMIRATES and many more

Do I need to go into quarantine when arriving to Tanzania?

Only travelers showing symptoms will be required to go into quarantine, unless they have proof of negative test.

Are COVID-19 tests required to travel to Tanzania?

A negative test result is required to enter Tanzania only for those showing symptoms.

Is public transportation open in Tanzania?

Public transportation in Tanzania is operating.

Are the restaurants and bars open in Tanzania?

Restaurants, cafes and bars in Tanzania are open.

Are businesses and attractions open in Tanzania?

Non-essential businesses and attractions in Tanzania are open.

Do I need to wear a face mask in Tanzania?

Wearing face masks in Tanzania is recommended.


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